Liked Links - April 30

The Signal Code: A Rights Based Approach to Information During Crisis: 1. The Right to Information 2. The Right to Protection from Harm 3. The Right to Data Security and Privacy 4. The Right to Data Agency 5. The Right to Redress and Rectification - by Authors -’t just talk - show your work!: To take one specific example - coding - Github-type tools are uber-collaborative, but the typical user is perhaps wearing headphones and very much in a do-not-disturb work mode. - Run My Best Marathon at Age 44, I Had to Outrun My Past: Running is the simplest of sports: right foot, left foot, right foot. But the simplicity opens up complexity. There's no ball to focus on, no mat to land on, no one charging toward you with their shoulder down. And so your attention shifts inward. - by Nicholas Thompson - Maintenance by design: I’m an author, organizational sociologist, strategy professor, unsuccessful furniture maker, and Xoogler—this is yet another of my attempts to make sense of the state of not-knowing. The ideas below are only partially baked. - by Vaughn Tan - Kinds Of Caution: Financial Times: What We Get Wrong About Technology. It cites boring advances like barbed wire and shipping containers to argue that some of the most transformative inventions are not the product of complicated high technology but just some clever hacks that manage to revolutionize everyday living. - by Scott Alexander - Warning: If Surprise is Inevitable, What Role for Analysis?: 1. Clarify the Warning Mission Any critical examination of the mission of warning analysis should give primacy of place to avoidance or limitation of damage—and not to the unrealistic standard of avoidance of surprise. - Cofounders: Meta-systematicity manifests as the forefront of all domains of meaning, including in personal psychology, rational understanding, social organization, and culture. - by Meaningness -’re not going back to normal: It’s now widely agreed (even by Britain, finally) that every country needs to “flatten the curve”: impose social distancing to slow the spread of the virus so that the number of people sick at once doesn’t cause the health-care system to collapse, as it is threatening to do in Italy right no - by GIDEON LICHFIELD -


Liked Links - May 1


When reality looks like sci-fi world building